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Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework

The ecosystem services concept is a cornerstone of contemporary sustainability thought. Challenges with this concept and its applications are well documented, but have not been systematically assessed…

Global drivers of future river flood risk

Understanding global future river flood risk is a prerequisite for the quantification of climate change impacts and planning effective adaptation strategies. Existing global flood risk projections…

Adaptation to climate change in the Netherlands - Studying related risks and opportunities

The Netherlands, similar to many other countries, is vulnerable to climate change. With its new Delta Programme, the Dutch Government has made an important step forward towards national climate…

Deregulering en natuurbeleid

Dit artikel is een reactie op de stelling van de secretaris-generaal van het ministerie van Economische Zaken in Economisch Sociale Berichten (Camps, 2015) dat binnen het Nederlandse…

Worldwide climate effects - Risks and opportunities for the Netherlands

Natural disasters due to weather extremes occur frequently, both in Europe and in the rest of the world. In the first decade of the 21st century, for example, 3000 natural disasters were reported…

Impacts of European livestock production: nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and greenhouse gas emissions, land-use, water eutrophication and biodiversity

Livestock production systems currently occupy around 28% of the land surface of the European Union (equivalent to 65% of the agricultural land). In conjunction with other human activities, livestock…

Fosfaatrechten voor melkvee; een quickscan naar hun effecten op de leefomgeving en de sector

In 2015 lijkt het landelijke fosfaatplafond te worden overschreden. Met fosfaatrechten is er een betere garantie dat dit plafond wordt gehandhaafd en neemt de milieudruk iets af. Melkveebedrijven die…

Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective

Here, we present a community perspective on how to explore, exploit and evolve the diversity in aquatic ecosystem models. These models play an important role in understanding the functioning of…

Phosphorus budget in the water-agro-food system at nested scales in two contrasted regions of the world (ASEAN-8 and EU-27)

In this paper the P cycle in anthropic systems is analyzed with an original multiscale approach (world region, country, and large basin scales) in two contrasting world regions representative of…

The impact of good practice policies on regional and global greenhouse gas emissions

NewClimate Institute, IIASA and PBL have estimated the impact of good practice policies on greenhouse gas emissions. The goals of this assessment were to identify practical ways to enhance emission…