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Oversterfte tijdens de corona-epidemie: toepassing van een dynamisch regressiemodel

Corona heeft een duidelijke invloed gehad op de sterfte sinds begin maart 2020. Hoe groot de impact precies is, is echter nog niet zeker. In dit artikel wordt een nieuwe methode gepresenteerd om de…

Co-benefits of black carbon mitigation for climate and air quality

Mitigation of black carbon (BC) aerosol emissions can potentially contribute to both reducing air pollution and climate change, although mixed results have been reported regarding the latter. A…

Voedselconsumptie veranderen

In deze policy brief gaan we in op de vraag hoe beleid de verduurzaming van voedselconsumptie kan stimuleren. We presenteren 7 bouwstenen voor beleid op basis van een benadering die consumptie…

Modeling Process-Based Biogeochemical Dynamics in Surface Fresh Waters of Large Watersheds With the IMAGE-DGNM Framework

Humans have strongly modified the functioning of the Earth's surface fresh waters, through pollution emissions and infrastructure, which has led to widespread ecological deterioration. Human…

Paris-aligned energy transition pathways for India

Achieving the Paris climate goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 °C implies a fast decarbonisation of the world’s energy system. At the same time, the energy demand of many emerging economies, and…

Global rules for translating land-use change (LUH2) to land-cover change for CMIP6 using GLM2

Anthropogenic land-use and land-cover change activities play a critical role in Earth system dynamics through significant alterations to biogeophysical and biogeochemical properties at local to global…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch potato products industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch potato products industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and TNO. The…

Availability and applications of sustainable biomass

Biomass will likely play an important role in a climate-neutral, circular economy. At the same time, there is ongoing public debate on biomass. Biomass use, in any case, needs to comply with clear…

Decarbonisation options for the Dutch dairy processing industry

This report on decarbonisation options for the Dutch dairy processing industry is part of the MIDDEN project (Manufacturing Industry Decarbonisation Data Exchange Network) initiated by PBL and TNO…

Dashboard beleidsrelevante natuurindicatoren 2020

PBL, CBS en WUR hebben de natuurindicatoren voor het biodiversiteitsbeleid van Rijk en provincies geactualiseerd. Deze set indicatoren is ontwikkeld in opdracht van de provincies en het Rijk in het…