Throughout the world, adaptation to climate change is one of the major challenges. In the Netherlands, under the Delta Programme, adaptation strategies have been developed for flood protection…
Using behavioral insights to make firms more energy efficient: A field experiment on the effects of improved communication
The Dutch government provides annual, detailed, energy-efficiency feedback to individual companies that have signed a voluntary agreement to increase their energy efficiency. However, only about 14%…
To examine which considerations play a role when individuals make decisions to purchase sustainable product varieties or not, we have conducted a large scale field experiment with more than 600…
In City Deals maken steden, het Rijk, bedrijven en maatschappelijke organisaties concrete samenwerkingsafspraken om innovatieve oplossingen te zoeken voor complexe vraagstukken die worden geadresseerd…
Mainstreaming biodiversity in economic sectors: An analytical framework.
The concept of mainstreaming was originally developed for situations where governments or intergovernmental organizations with explicit public mandates took the lead. Nowadays it is increasingly…
Increasing demand for solution-oriented environmental assessments brings significant opportunities and challenges at the science-policy interface. Solutions-oriented assessments should enable…
Policy coherence in the water-land-energy-food-climate nexus
More synergies than conflicts exist between European policy objectives for water, land, energy, food and climate. There are numerous positively interacting policy objectives, providing opportunities…
Hoe verhouden water, klimaat en conflict zich tot elkaar in een onzekere toekomst?
Door groei van de bevolking en van de economie en door de klimaatverandering zullen de watercondities in de wereld naar verwachting sterk veranderen. Deze veranderingen zijn niet alleen fysiek, maar…
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands, 1990-2015: National Inventory Report 2017
This report documents the Netherlands' submission of its annual greenhouse gas emission inventory for 2017, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on…
Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands, 1990–2015: Netherlands Informative Inventory Report 2017
In the 2017 Informative Inventory Report (IIR) by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the Dutch emission data on transboundary air polluting substances have been…