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Baseline projections for Latin America: base-year assumptions, key drivers and greenhouse emissions

This paper provides an overview of the base-year assumptions and baseline projections for the set of models participating in the LAMP and CLIMACAP projects. We present the range in baseline…

Van agglomeratie- naar netwerkkracht

Agglomeratievoordelen zijn belangrijk voor economische groei en de internationale concurrentiepositie van steden. Omdat Nederland geen echte grote steden kent, is onderzocht of de organisatie van…

The roads ahead: Narratives for shared socioeconomic pathways describing world futures in the 21st century

Long-term scenarios play an important role in research on global environmental change. The climate change research community is developing new scenarios integrating future changes in climate and…

Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for non-target arthropods

Following a request from the European Food Safety Authority, the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues developed an opinion on the science to support the development of a risk…

Netherlands National Energy Outlook 2014

The first Netherlands National Energy Outlook reveals that objectives for renewable energy and energy saving are not yet being met. The climate target for 2020, however, will be achieved. Employment…

Existing data and knowledge gaps about air-climate inter-linkages and way forwards for improvement

Over the past years progress has been made in understanding the linkage between air pollution with climate change. Using data available from current integrated assessment models and activities and…

The Landscape approach

Growing demand for natural resources in combination with climate change have put increasing pressure on nature. It's negative effects are most prominent in developing countries. The landscape approach…

De Landschapsbenadering

De toenemende vraag naar natuurlijke hulpbronnen zorgt, in combinatie met klimaatverandering, voor stijgende druk op de natuur. Negatieve effecten hiervan zijn het meest prominent in…

Snelhedenbeleid voor elektrische voertuigen

Het effect van een exclusief hogere maximumsnelheid voor elektrische auto’s (EV’s) levert in vergelijking met het verbeteren van kenmerken als aanschafprijs, actieradius en oplaadtijden…

Options for the road freight sector to meet long term climate targets

The road freight sector is responsible for about a quarter of CO2 emissions from road transport in the EU and for some 6% of total EU emissions. CO2 emissions are still rising, mainly due to…