Assessment of the relation between climate and nitrogen related policy for the Dutch situation
This assessment reviews the major drivers and interactions of the cycles of nitrogen and greenhouse gasses in the Netherlands. The objective was to identify opportunities for synergism of climate and…
Conceptualizing sustainable development. An assessment methodology connecting values, knowledge, worldviews and scenarios
The idea of sustainable development reflects one of the leading aspirations of humankind in the 21st century, not unlike the idea of socialism in the early 20th century and the Declaration of Human…
GLOBIO 3: A Framework to investigate options for reducing global terrestrial biodiversity loss
Bij onveranderd beleid zal de terrestrische biodiversiteit tussen 2000 tot 2050 in het zelfde tempo blijven dalen als tijdens de vorige eeuw. Dit is berekend met het model GLOBIO 3, dat beleidsopties…
GLOBIO 3: A Framework to investigate options for reducing global terrestrial biodiversity loss
With unchanged policies, terrestrial biodiversity will decrease between 2000 to 2050 at the same pace as during the last century. This was calculated with the GLOBIO 3 model, developed by PBL in…
In evaluaties van transportinvesteringen krijgen sociale effecten veel minder aandacht dan economische en milieu-effecten. In dit artikel is onderzocht welke sociale effecten in theorie kunnen…
Economic impacts of climatic variability and subsidies on European agriculture and observed adaptation strategies
In order to assess agricultural adaptation to climate impacts, new methodologies are needed. The translog distance function allows assessing interactions between different factors, and hence the…
Contribution of N2O to the greenhouse gas balance of first-generation biofuels
In this study, we analyze the impact of fertilizer- and manure-induced N 2O emissions due to energy crop production on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when conventional transportation…
Reducing global meat consumption would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut the costs of climate policy substantially. This is the result of a PBL study published in Climatic Change. Apart from a…
Eerder dan andere regio’s in Nederland kreeg Parkstad Limburg te maken met krimp. Dit is inmiddels door beleidsmakers onderkend. Een concreet voorbeeld is het feit dat Parkstad Limburg zijn…
Vanaf de Tweede Wereldoorlog is het gemiddelde inkomen, de gezondheid en het opleidingsniveau in Nederland aanzienlijk toegenomen. Bovendien hebben Nederlanders een grote mate van vertrouwen in hun…