Countries' climate mitigation commitments under the 'South-North Dialogue' Proposal - a quantitative analysis using the FAIR 2.1 world model
The 'South–North Dialogue Proposal' outlines an approach for an 'equitable' differentiation of post-2012 commitments. An analysis of the proposal shows that for the stringent stabilisation targets…
Nationale broeikasgas emissiedoelstellingen en mitigatie kosten onder het "South-North Dialogue" Voorstel - een kwantitatieve analyses gebruikmakend van het FAIR 2.1 landen model
Voor de meest stringente stabilisatiescenario's moeten vele ontwikkelingslanden kwantitatieve reductiedoelstellingen op zich nemen, zelfs wanneer de Annex I-landen zeer ambitieuze…
Pesticide transport in groundwater at the national scale: coupling an unsaturated zone model with a groundwater flow model
Evaluation of the leaching potential of a pesticide and its metabolites is a crucial part of European registration procedures. So far, these procedures consider the movement into the shallow…
Environmental load from Dutch private consumption - How much damage takes place abroad?
This article describes a method for determining the environmental load of Dutch private consumption. The method generates detailed information about consumption-related environmental impacts.
Traffic noise in Europe: a comparison of calculation methods, noise indices and noise standards for road and railroad traffic in Europe
As the international dimension of environmental laws and legislation is gaining in importance, it has become increasingly essential to compare and assess international data. Can international data on…
Denitrification in agricultural soils: summarizing published data and estimating global annual rates
Information taken from 336 measurements of denitrification in agricultural soils was summarized to assess the influence on denitrification of several factors related to soil, climate, agricultural…
Model-based geostatistical interpolation of the annual number of ozone exceedance days in the Netherlands
This paper discusses two model-based geostatistical methods for spatial interpolation of the number of days that ground level ozone exceeds a threshold level.
Een nieuwe meststoffenwet is parlementair aanvaard. De EU heeft de Nederlandse veehouderij tot en met 2009 derogatie verleend voor 250 kg/ha stikstof uit dierlijke mest. Kanttekeningen worden in dit…
Sealing: hoeveel bodem verdwijnt er onder de stad? Toekomstverkenning van de uitbreiding van bebouwd oppervlak in Europa
Het afsluiten van de bodem door gebouwen, wegen of andere constructies wordt bodemafdekking genoemd (ook wel: soil sealing). Opvallend is, dat gedurende het huidige decennium de toename aan bebouwd…
Estimation of global river transport of sediments and associated particulate C, N, and P
This paper presents a multiple linear regression model developed for describing global river export of sediments (suspended solids, TSS) to coastal seas, and approaches for estimating organic carbon…