Preliminary modelling and mapping of critical loads for cadmium and lead in Europa
The Working Group on Effects (WGE) of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE-CLRTAP), noted the need to further develop…
Ozone layer - climate change interactions. Influence on UV levels and UV related effects
Ozone in the atmosphere serves as a partially protective filter against the most harmful part of the solar UV-spectrum. Decreases in ozone lead to increases in ambient UV with a wide variety of…
Reference projections for greenhouse gases in the Netherlands: emission projections for 2001 - 2010
Results are presented of the project 'reference projection for energy and greenhouse gases' carried out by RIVM and ECN for the Ministries of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, and of…
Evaluatie van post-Kyoto klimaat regimes voor internationale lastenverdeling om de concentraties van broeikasgassen te stabiliseren
Een beschrijving is gemaakt van een analyse voor het (kwantitatief) verkennen van verschillende regimes voor internationale lastenverdeling voor het klimaatbeleid, in overeenstemming met…
Exploring post-Kyoto climate regimes for differentiation of commitments to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations
This report aims at exploring the implications of various international climate regimes for differentiating future commitments compatible with Article 2 of Climate Change Convention, i.e. stabilising…
Preliminary assessment of air quality for carbon monoxide and benzene in the Netherlands under EU legislation
Before implementing the second European directive, the member states of the European Union should assess the air quality for carbon monoxide and benzene in their countries.
Dit rapport beschrijft het deelmodel Verkeer en Vervoer (PIE-VeV) van het Platform voor Integrale Energie- en emissieverkenningen (PIE). PIE is door de doelgroep Energie ontwikkeld in nauwe…
RIVM offers a report evaluating the President's proposal to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity of the US economy by 18 per cent between 2002 and 2012. This policy target can be regarded as being very…
Evaluatie van het Climate Change Initiative van President Bush
Deze rapportage evalueert het Climate Change Initiative dat President Bush op 14 februari 2002 heeft gepresenteerd. Dit Initiatief beoogt de broeikasgasintensiteit van de Amerikaanse economie tussen…