Halting the loss of biodiversity in the Netherlands
In its recent Communication on biodiversity, the European Commission has proposed actions to halt the loss of biodiversity. According to MNP, effective actions for the Netherlands could be the further…
The Dutch Environmental Balance 2006 describes the Dutch state of the environment in 2005. It offers an evaluation of policy influences on the environment, including the barriers, opportunities and…
Application of a genetic algorithm to minimize nitrogen deposition in nature reserves
The quality of Dutch nature reserves is threatened by high nitrogen input, a problem which to a large extent is caused by agricultural activities. The Dutch government intends to solve this by…
Scenario development to explore the future of Europe's rural areas
European agriculture has a future, even after abolishing EU agricultural subsidies. This is shown by EURURALIS, a study into the future of the European rural area. LEI, Alterra, Wageningen University…
The impact of different policy environments on agricultural land use in Europe
In this paper MNP's IMAGE model is linked to the general economic equilibrium model GTAP in order to assess environmental consequences of trade policies in conjunction with economic impacts. Through…
Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change under conservative land transformation assumptions
Recent observations show that human-induced climate change and land transformation are threatening wildlife globally. Thus, there is a need to assess the sensitivity of wildlife on large spatial…
Sustainable energy: trade-offs and synergies between energy security, competitiveness, and environment
Sustainable energy policies are needed in Europe to reduce air pollution and greenhouse-gas emissions. EU-policies aim to improve the EU's energy security and enhance its' competitiveness by promoting…
How do trade, poverty and climate policies affect biodiversity?
Over the past 50 years humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history. However, the changes that have been made to ecosystems have…
Endogenous agricultural land supply: estimation and implementation in the GTAP model
Land needs to be included in economic models since land can move into or out of agricultural production due to several reasons, leading to exceeding or undershooting of the total available…