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UNEP Emissions Gap Report 2016

The world should increase its ambition to cut roughly a further quarter off predicted 2030 global greenhouse emissions and have any chance of minimizing dangerous climate change according to 2016…

An analytical framework for strategic delta planning: negotiating consent for long-term sustainable delta development

Sectoral planning on water, agriculture and urban development has not been able to prevent increased flood risks and environmental degradation in many deltas. Governments conceive strategic delta…

Climate Change Will Make Recovery from Eutrophication More Difficult in Shallow Danish Lake Søbygaard

Many lakes around the world suffer from nuisance algal blooms and biodiversity loss, caused by excess nutrient loading. Recent studies indicate that these problems are aggravated by the ongoing global…

Practising environmental policy evaluation under co-existing evaluation imaginaries

Co-existing evaluation imaginaries at PBL broaden the repertoire of evaluation approaches and potential for innovation. Practitioners also experience tensions as innovative ambitions conflict with…

The Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) for CMIP

Projections of future climate change play a fundamental role in improving understanding of the climate system as well as characterizing societal risks and response options. The Scenario Model…

The regional economic effects of flooding

This article analyses the regional economic effects of flooding on regions not directly affected. Results show that most regions neighbouring a flood-stricken region benefit from the flooding incident…

Simulating the Earth system response to negative emissions

Natural carbon sinks currently absorb approximately half of the anthropogenic CO 2 emitted by fossil fuel burning, cement production and land-use change. However, this airborne fraction may change in…

Assessing the land resource–food price nexus of the Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) call for a comprehensive new approach to development rooted in planetary boundaries, equity, and inclusivity. The wide scope of the SDGs will necessitate…

Natural capital in the Netherlands: Recognising its true value

Nature provides all kinds of goods and services that offer economic opportunities, such as a water, food, building materials and recreation areas. However, this 'natural capital' is under pressure due…

Similar estimates of temperature impacts on global wheat yield by three independent methods

The potential impact of global temperature change on global crop yield has recently been assessed with different methods. Here we show that grid-based and point-based simulations and statistical…