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A new scenario framework for climate change research: background, process, and future directions

The scientific community is developing new global, regional, and sectoral scenarios to facilitate interdisciplinary research and assessment to explore the range of possible future climates and related…

Global land–ocean linkage: direct inputs of nitrogen to coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge

The role of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), the leakage of groundwater from aquifers into coastal waters, in coastal eutrophication has been demonstrated mostly for the North American and…

Towards an Integrated Framework for SDGs: Ultimate and Enabling Goals for the Case of Energy

Discussions on how to define, design, and implement sustainable development goals (SDG) have taken center stage in the United Nations since the Rio+20 summit. Energy is one of the issues that enjoyed…

Assessing trade-offs between food production, biodiversity and carbon sequestration for Eastern Europe

Understanding the trade-offs between food production, biodiversity, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services has become increasingly important for local, national and global policy making…

A modelling approach for the assessment of the effects of Common Agricultural Policy measures on farmland biodiversity in the EU27

Greening of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) may help to achieve targets of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. A suite of models can ne used to calculate the impacts of policy measures…

Out of the Comfort Zone: Institutional Context and the Scope for Legitimate Climate Adaptation Policy

Adaptation to climate change is gradually becoming accepted as one of the major challenges in regional and urban planning. However, the scope for options that make our societies less vulnerable to…

Exploring global nitrogen and phosphorus flows in urban wastes during the twentieth century

This paper presents a global model-based country-scale quantification of urban nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) waste flows from humans, animals, and industries, including discharge to surface water…

What makes firms leave the neighbourhood?

Limited attention has been paid to how neighbourhood conditions affect firm relocation choices. Using a panel dataset (1999-2006) of actual firm relocations in the Netherlands, the effect of different…

Climate effects of wood used for bioenergy

Using logged trees as a bioenergy source – replacing fossil fuel – carries the risk of first increasing CO 2 emissions before reducing them. It could in fact take up to 100 years before emissions…

Sensitivity analyses of the ESPON Climate framework, on the basis of the case study on flooding in the Netherlands

The ESPON Climate framework is a first attempt to develop a comprehensive methodology that integrates data and interrelations across a vast range of relevant fields in order to assess a pan-European…