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Nutrient dynamics, transfer and retention along the aquatic continuum from land to ocean: towards integration of ecological and biogeochemical models

In river basins, soils, groundwater, riparian zones and floodplains, streams, rivers, lakes and reservoirs act as successive filters in which the hydrology, ecology and biogeochemical processing are…

Water Footprint: Useful for sustainability policies?

The water footprint indicator for products, consumers and countries has been used to raise awareness about global-scale water appropriation for the production of goods. The indicator, however, does…

Management, regulation and environmental impacts of nitrogen fertilization in north-western Europe under the Nitrates Directive; a benchmark study

Implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive and its environmental impacts were compared for Member States in the north-west of the European Union (Ireland, United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands…

Use and effectiveness of economic instruments in the decarbonisation of passenger cars

The European Commission aims at a 60% reduction in CO 2 emissions from transport by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The Commission stresses that the decarbonisation of the transport sector depends…

Greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for 2030

A greenhouse gas reduction target of 40% below 1990 levels for 2030 for the European Union, to be achieved within Europe, would not necessarily be sufficient for achieving the target of limiting…

The global carbon budget 1959 - 2011

Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere is important to better understand the global…

Accessibility benefits of integrated land use and public transport policy plans in the Netherlands

In recent years integrated spatial and transport planning is receiving more attention in Dutch national policy making. Since 2008th the Dutch infrastructure investment programme was replaced with an…

Scenarios as a tool for supporting policy-making for the Wadden Sea

The Wadden Sea area is a heavily-utilized coastal zone that requires a strategic long-term integrated vision that includes the flexibility to accommodate unexpected circumstances that result from…

Assessing the Impact of Soil Degradation on Food Production

Continuing soil degradation is a threat to future food security. Nevertheless, current degradation assessments give divergent and unverified outcomes. A comprehensive approach is required for a better…

The long-term relationship between land use and employment on industrial sites in the Netherlands

Popular forecasting models for long-term planning of industrial sites assume a strong linear relationship between employment and land use. New Dutch panel data for 1997 to 2008 were used to test this…