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European Benchmark Indicators

There is a growing need for comparative indicators to measure Member State’s environmental performance. To fulfill this need, MNP has developed the European Benchmark Indicators (EBI) to draw…

World livestock and crop production systems, land use and environment between 1970 and 2030

Chapter in book: Agriculture and climate beyond 2015. A new perspective on future land use patterns.

Global inventory of ammonia emissions from global livestock production and fertilizer use

Ammonia is an important atmospheric pollutant with a wide variety of impacts ranging from aerosol formation, soil acidification, eutrophication, and biodiversity loss in ecosystems. One of the major…

CO2 and albedo climate impacts of extratropical carbon and biomass plantations

We explored the climate impacts for two land-use change scenarios, aimed at mitigating the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Using the integrated assessment model IMAGE 2.2, we found that…

Climate change policies beneficial for European air quality

European climate change action will benefit air pollution abatement by 2030, with costs for controlling emissions dropping by EUR 10 billion per year. Reduced emissions will lead to a fall in damage…

Halting the loss of biodiversity in the Netherlands

In its recent Communication on biodiversity, the European Commission has proposed actions to halt the loss of biodiversity. According to MNP, effective actions for the Netherlands could be the further…

Environmental Balance 2006

The Dutch Environmental Balance 2006 describes the Dutch state of the environment in 2005. It offers an evaluation of policy influences on the environment, including the barriers, opportunities and…

The PIE information system

This report provides a technical description of the PIE information system: Platform on Integral Energy and emission projections.

Application of a genetic algorithm to minimize nitrogen deposition in nature reserves

The quality of Dutch nature reserves is threatened by high nitrogen input, a problem which to a large extent is caused by agricultural activities. The Dutch government intends to solve this by…

Scenario development to explore the future of Europe's rural areas

European agriculture has a future, even after abolishing EU agricultural subsidies. This is shown by EURURALIS, a study into the future of the European rural area. LEI, Alterra, Wageningen University…