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Building obsolescence in the evolving city. Reframing property vacancy and abandonment in the light of urban dynamics and complexity

This conceptual article analyses how both policymakers and academics often discuss the state of buildings. Property vacancy and abandonment are generally approached statically, in an undifferentiated…

Projected material requirements for the global electricity infrastructure – generation, transmission and storage

We analyse how the global material stocks and flows related to the electricity sector may develop towards 2050. We focus on three electricity sub-systems, being generation, transmission and storage…

Implications of climate change mitigation strategies on international bioenergy trade

Most climate change mitigation scenarios rely on increased use of bioenergy to decarbonize the energy system. Here we use results from the 33rd Energy Modeling Forum study (EMF-33) to investigate…

A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks.

Global human-induced emissions of nitrous oxide, which are dominated by nitrogen additions to croplands, increased by 30% over the past four decades to 7.3 (4.2-11.4) teragrams of nitrogen per year…

Developing multi-scale and integrative nature-people scenarios using the Nature Futures Framework

Nature is under pressure. Given current development trajectories, without substantial transformations, it is unlikely that we will achieve the prosperous future imagined in global sustainability…

Societal benefits of halving agricultural ammonia emissions in China far exceed the abatement costs

Mitigating agricultural ammonia (NH3) emissions in China is urgently needed to avoid further damage to human and ecosystem health. Effective and feasible mitigation strategies hinge on integrated…

Improving Climate Change Mitigation Analysis: A Framework for Examining Feasibility

Limiting global warming to 2°C or less compared with pre-industrial temperatures will require unprecedented rates of decarbonization globally. The scale and scope of transformational change required…

Impact of methane and black carbon mitigation on forcing and temperature: a multi-model scenario analysis

The relatively short atmospheric lifetimes of methane (CH 4) and black carbon (BC) have focused attention on the potential for reducing anthropogenic climate change by reducing Short-Lived Climate…

Agricultural Diffuse Pollution and the EU Water Framework Directive

Progress has been made on improving Europe’s water quality. Nevertheless, there is much scepticism as to whether the goals of the European Water Framework Directive will be realised by 2027…

Bending the curve of terrestrial biodiversity

A new international scenario-based modelling study suggests that ambitious action can reverse the trend of terrestrial biodiversity loss resulting from habitat conversion. This requires an integrated…