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Low stabilization scenarios and implications for major world regions from an integrated assessment perspective

It is not possible to unambiguously translate the objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (i.e. to avoid dangerous anthropogenic climate change) into greenhouse gas (GHG)…

The Economics of Low Stabilization: Model Comparison of Mitigation Strategies and Costs

The objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is "stabilization of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous…

Bio-Energy Use and Low Stabilization Scenarios

Research has shown that extensive use of bio-energy could be a crucial factor in achieving stabilization at low atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration levels. First, bio-energy may play a key role…

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Netherlands 1990 - 2008

This report contains trend analysis of emissions of greenhouse gases in the period 1990-2008, based on documentation of the methods, emission factors and data sources. In addition, an analysis of so…

Bioenergy revisited: key factors in global potentials of bioenergy

The growing use of bioenergy goes hand in hand with a heated public debate, in which conflicting claims are made regarding the amount of biomass that can be sustainably used for this purpose. This…

Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) in developing countries: Challenges and oppertunities

It is increasingly evident that, in order to avoid dangerous climate change, greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced – not only in the industrialised countries, but also in the developing world…

Uncertainty from Model Calibration: Applying a New Method to Transport Energy Demand Modelling

Uncertainties in energy demand modelling originate from both limited understanding of the real-world system and a lack of data for model development, calibration and validation. These uncertainties…

Long-term dynamic modeling of global population and built-up area in a spatially explicit way: HYDE 3.1

In this paper we describe a tool for long term global change studies; it is an update of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE) with estimates of some of the underlying demographic…

Misrepresentation of the IPCC CO2 emission scenarios

Fossil fuel CO 2 emissions have increased significantly during the last decade. However, contrary to some statements in recent publications, current emissions are not higher than covered in the…

BioScore-cost-effective assessment of policy impact on biodiversity using species sensitivity scores

Human-induced pressures are known to be one of the main causes of biodiversity loss. In order to readily assess policy impacts on biodiversity, a cost-effective evaluation tool is developed, using…