Future bio-energy potential under various natural constraints
Climate policy, concerns about energy security, and the search for alternative sources of agricultural income have greatly increased interest in bio-energy as an alternative to fossil fuel. Many…
Terugredenerend vanuit een visie voor 2050 is onderzocht welke strategische stappen de Europese Unie de komende vijf a tien jaar daarvoor zou moeten zetten. Dat wordt onder andere bepaald door de…
Getting into the Right Lane for 2050. A primer for debate
Reasoning back from 2050, specific strategic actions are identified for the EU in the coming five to ten years. Key factors in the analysis are the magnitude and inherent slow pace of change.The…
De huidige trends in het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen en in inefficiënt landgebruik zullen op mondiale schaal leiden tot grootschalige milieuproblemen op het gebied van klimaatverandering en…
Growing within limits. A report to the Global Assembly 2009 of the Club of Rome
Current trends in fossil-fuel use and inefficient land use will lead to large global environmental problems with respect to climate change and biodiversity loss. Technical and economically feasible…
Dealing with uncertainties in environmental burden of disease assessment
Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) combine the number of people affected by disease or mortality in a population and the duration and severity of their condition into one number. The environmental…
Milieueffecten van wijziging BPM-grondslag personenauto’s naar CO2-uitstoot
De grondslag voor de aanschafbelasting van personenauto’s (BPM) wordt de komende jaren gewijzigd van netto catalogusprijs naar CO 2-uitstoot. Dit leidt in 2020 tot een CO 2-emissiereductie van naar…
In many respects, the Netherlands is a prosperous country, where public health, average incomes and education levels all have increased considerably since the Second World War. People trust each other…
The effect of agricultural trade liberalisation on land-use related greenhouse gas emissions
This study explores the effects of agricultural trade liberalisation and concomitant changes in agricultural areas and livestock production on greenhouse gas emissions using the coupled LEITAP–IMAGE…
Analysing comparable greenhouse gas mitigation efforts for Annex I countries
EU Heads of State and Government agreed in March 2007 that the EU will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 1990 levels by 2020 within an international post-2012 climate agreement…