Nations must triple their efforts in order to achieve the 2 °C climate target, according to the 2018 edition of UNEP’s annual Emissions Gap Report. Although it is still possible to keep global warming…
Reflections on Transparency: expectations about transparency as an instrument to stimulate corporate social responsibility
Sustainability reporting can be an incentive for companies to improve their corporate social responsibility. EU guidelines on improving the transparency of company sustainability reports have recently…
Are the G20 economies making enough progress to meet their NDC targets?
Under the Paris Agreement, countries committed to a variety of climate actions, including post-2020 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. This study compares projected GHG emissions in the…
Interactions between social learning and technological learning in electric vehicle futures
The transition to electric vehicles is an important strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars. Modelling future pathways helps identify critical drivers and uncertainties…
De ene forens is de andere niet: een analyse van twee decennia woonwerkverplaatsingen
Deze paper beschrijft de veranderingen in het ruimtelijk patroon van het woon-werkverkeer in de afgelopen twintig jaar voor verschillende categorieën woon-werkverplaatsingen tussen gemeenten en binnen…
Oefenen met de toekomst: ongemakkelijk én inspirerend
Om hun werk zo goed mogelijk te doen proberen planologen, stedenbouwkundigen en verkeerskundigen zich een beeld te vormen wat de toekomst gaat brengen. En die toekomst is met een grote onzekerheid…
Spatial modelling of participatory landscape scenarios
Spatially explicit modelling tools can be helpful in participatory scenario development with stakeholders fom multiple sectors. In a set of three casestudies by PBL and EcoAgriculture Partners, this…
When the Background Matters: Using Scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models in Prospective Life Cycle Assessment
Prospective life cycle assessment (LCA) needs to deal with the large epistemological uncertainty about the future to support more robust future environmental impact assessments of technologies. This…
Report on the workshop 'Next Steps in Developing Nature Futures'
In June 2018, PBL hosted a workshop for the IPBES expert group on Scenarios and Models. An important outcome was an inclusive framework for understanding how people relate to and value nature, and for…
Lessons learned from spatial planning in the Netherlands. In support of integrated landscape initiatives, globally.
Experiences with different government styles can provide lessons on choosing an optimal approach in other contexts and situations. This study illustrates the role of spatial planning in landscape…