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The significance of climate change in the Netherlands. An analysis of historical and future trends (1901-2020) in weather conditions, weather extremes and temperature-related impacts

A rigorous statistical analysis reveals changes in Dutch climate that are statistically significant over the last century. Annually averaged temperatures have increased by 1.5 about 0.5 degrees…

De significantie van klimaatverandering in Nederland Een analyse van historische en toekomstige trends (1901-2020) in het weer, weersextremen en temperatuurgerelateerde impact-variabelen

Statistische analyse van het Nederlandse weer laat veranderingen zien die reeds statistisch significant zijn, gezien over de afgelopen honderd jaar. Jaargemiddelde temperaturen zijn toegenomen met 1.5…

Global and regional surface nitrogen balances in intensive agricultural production systems for the periode of 1970-2030

The major conclusion of the paper is that despite the expected improvement of the efficiency in many countries, it is clear that the fast increase of production and intensification between now and…

De kleine vraagbaak van het Kyoto Protocol

Bij de in werking treding van het Kyoto Protocol op 16 februari, publiceerde het PCCC (Platform Communication on Climate Change) een Vraag- en Antwoord-boekje over het Kyoto Protocol. In dit boekje…

A multi-gas abatement analysis of the Kyoto Protocol

An updated analysis of the costs of the Kyoto Protocol, now based on a multi-gas approach, accounting for all six Kyoto gases, shows that, in addition to reductions of CO 2 , a large share of the…

Multi-gas abatement analyse van het Kyoto Protocol

Dit rapport analyseert de kosten van het Kyoto Protocol en de belangrijkste emissiereductiebronnen op basis van een multi-gas benadering (alle Kyoto-gassen worden hierin meegenomen: CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2…

Survival of the Greenest - Evolutionaire Economie als inspiratie voor energie- en transitiebeleid

De evolutionaire economie toont inzicht in de mechanismen achter innovaties, transities en veranderingen in institutionele structuur. Deze theorie kan daarom bijzonder waardevol zijn in de vormgeving…

Multi-gas emission pathways for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations

Stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations 450 CO 2 equivalent or lower requires global emissions to peak within the next two decades, followed by substantial overall reductions by as much as 30 to 50%…

Accounting for change of support in spatial accuracy assessment of modelled soil mineral phosphorous concentration

Agricultural activities in the Netherlands cause high nitrogen and phosphorous fluxes from soil to ground- and surface water. A model chain (STONE) has been developed to study and predict the…

Emission implications of long-term climate targets

The aim of this study is to explore allowable emissions levels of the set of the six greenhouse gases covered under the Kyoto Protocol on the long and short term compatible with any long-term climate…