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Global and Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Neutrality

This report gives an overview of the literature on greenhouse gas emissions neutrality, as targeted in the Paris Agreement to achieve a ‘balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removal…

Brexit: gevolgen voor de concurrentiepositie van bedrijfstakken in Nederlandse regio’s

Sinds het Brexit referendum in 2016 doet het Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL) samen met nationale partners (Universiteit Groningen en Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) en internationale partners…

Opportunities and challenges in achieving universal electricity in sub-Saharan Africa

Issue 115 of the Oxford Energy Forum focuses on the electrification of Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Due to significant expected population growth, the number of Africans without…

Simulating the joint distribution of individuals, households and dwellings in small areas

This article proposes a sample-based methodology for synthesizing individuals, households and dwellings in small areas, illustrated using a case study of Amsterdam. The method encompasses the…

Waar willen jonge gezinnen wonen?

De recessie is voorbij en de stedelijke woningmarkt staat onder druk. De woonwensen van gezinnen staan daarbij in de aandacht. Sinds de jaren negentig is immers sprake geweest van een toename van het…

Global climate action of cities, regions and businesses

Action by cities, states, regions and business can go a long way towards meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, but their actions alone are not enough to hold global temperature increase to…

Scientific Opinion about the Guidance of the Chemical Regulation Directorate (UK) on how aged sorption studies for pesticides should be conducted, analysed and used in regulatory assessments

Aged sorption is the tendency of pesticides to adsorp more strongly with increasing time. As a results, it reduces the leaching of pesticides into groundwater. This opinion reviewes how aged sorption…

The Future of the North Sea

The scenario study ‘The Future of the North Sea’ explores the spatial and ecological impact of possible developments on the North Sea, up to 2050, with regard to nature, energy transition and food…

Scientific Opinion on the state of the art of Toxicokinetic/Toxicodynamic (TKTD) effect models for regulatory risk assessment of pesticides for aquatic organisms

The role of modelling in environmental risk assessment of plant protection products increases. They can be particularly important to predict (sub)lethal effects of plant protection products under…

Krasse knarren kúnnen kraken: over hoe het stapelen van verschillende beleidsdoelen ouderen onder druk kan zetten

Nederland is een land in transitie. Op verschillende domeinen, zoals de woningmarkt, de zorg en energie, voltrekken zich enorme verschuivingen. Omdat de domeinen verdeeld zijn over verschillende…