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Integrating Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Goal Structure, Target Areas and Means of Implementation

Since the Rio+20 summit, discussions on a new set of sustainable development goals have taken centre stage in the United Nations. This paper discusses how biodiversity and ecosystem services may be…

Are major economies on track to achieve their pledges for 2020? An assessment of domestic climate and energy policies

Many of the major greenhouse gas emitting countries have planned and/or implemented domestic mitigation policies, such as carbon taxes, feed-in tariffs, or standards. This study analyses whether the…

Het PBL-normenkader voor modellen

Het PBL gebruikt sinds enkele jaren een eigen normenkader voor de kwaliteitsborging van wetenschappelijke modellen. Omdat de kwaliteit van modellen in interactie met externen wordt geborgd, maakt het…

Exceedances of the NO2 limit value in the Netherlands partly due to higher than expected real-world emissions from cars and trucks

Since the 1990s, 'Euro' standards have been in effect to reduce air pollutants in exhaust emissions from passenger cars and trucks. National and international research has shown that the actual…

Guidance for Uncertainty Assessment and Communication

After a decade of fruitful use and further methodological development, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency publishes the second edition of its Guidance for Uncertainty Assessment and…

Guide for Uncertainty Communication

Dealing with uncertainty, in terms of analysis and communication, is an important and distinct topic for PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Without paying adequate attention to the role…

Overschrijdingen NO2-grenswaarde deels gevolg van tegenvallende verkeersemissies

Sinds de jaren negentig van de vorige eeuw gelden zogeheten Euro-normen voor personenauto’s en vrachtwagens om de uitstoot van luchtverontreinigende stoffen te verminderen. Uit nationaal en…

Column Energie Actueel - Wat gaat 2014 ons brengen?

De energiewereld is onvoorspelbaarder dan ooit. Vorig jaar konden we alleen hopen dat er ook in Nederland een Energieakkoord zou komen, nu is het er. Dat gasland Nederland niet eens wil zoeken naar…

De veerkracht van regionale arbeidsmarkten

De veerkracht van regionale arbeidsmarkten in Nederland vertoont sterke onderlinge verschillen. In de stedelijke gebieden in de Randstad en Noord-Brabant is het herstelvermogen van de regionale…

Implications of innovative options for transport on the level of the energy system

There are several options for a 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transport, in the Netherlands, by 2050. In addition to efficiency improvements, new types of fuels, such as electricity…