De landbouw bepaalt in sterke mate het aanzien van het landelijk gebied. De landbouw bevindt zich momenteel in een overgangssituatie, mede door aanstaande veranderingen in het Europese landbouwbeleid…
Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment ozone profile characterization using interpretation tools and lidar measurements for intercomparison
Global ozone profiles are derived from the ultraviolet and visible part of the spectra of the nadir-viewing Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME), which is mounted on the polar orbiting second…
Energy and emission scenarios for China in the 21st century - exploration of baseline development and mitigation options
In this paper, we have used the simulation model IMAGE/TIMER to develop a set of energy and emission scenarios for China between 1995 and 2100, based on the global baseline scenarios published by IPCC…
Critical levels and critical loads as a tool for air quality management
Critical loads and levels are a tool for assessing the risk of air pollution impacts to ecosystems. APIS provides critical loads and levels for different pollutants. The user can also undertake site…
COOL: exploring options for carbon dioxide reduction in an participatory mode
The ULYSSES study has been an interesting exercise, unique in its variety of research groups spread all over Europe with different research backgrounds and different foci, yet all embarking on a…
This chapter provides an update on scientific progress since the previous Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion (WMO, 1999) regarding ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) in the atmosphere. This…
The thickness of the ozone layer above Europe has decreased significantly since the beginning of the 1980s, and is declining at a rate of 4–5 % per decade.
Results of 10 years of monitoring nitrogen in the sandy regions in the Netherlands
The effect of policy measures on agriculture and water quality with respect to nitrogen have been monitored on farms in the sandy regions since the early 1990s.
Realisering EU-norm voor stikstofdioxide nog niet in zicht
Nederland heeft in EU-verband voorgesteld de ingangsdatum voor het voldoen aan de EU-grenswaarde voor NO 2 te verschuiven van 2010 naar 2015. Dat geeft meer tijd om via doorwerking van bestaand NO x…
Comprehensive approaches to differentiation of future climate commitments: some options compared
This chapter explores and evaluates some possible options for future differentiation of commitments for developed and developing countries, taking into account the experience with the Kyoto Protocol…