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Relaties tussen bosvitaliteit en natuurlijke en antropogene stress factoren op Europese schaal. Pilot study

In het kader van een pan-Europese evaluatie van bosvitaliteits gegevens, zijn beschikbare gegevens m.b.t. de conditie van het bladerdak (ontbladering) gecorreleerd met locatie-specifieke schattingen…

Het modelleren van de effecten van natuurbeheer ten behoeve van MOVE

Het multiple stress model SMART-MOVE is ontwikkeld om op nationale schaal de effecten van verdroging, verzuring en vermesting op het voorkomen van plantensoorten te voorspellen.

Relationships between forest condition and natural and anthropogenic stress factors on the European scale. Pilot study

Within the framework of a pan-European evaluation of the forest condition data, the available crown condition data (defoliation) have been correlated with site-specific estimations of various stress…

Emission reductions targets for priority substances: calculation of emission reduction targets for target groups, based on environmental quality standards and emissions in 1995

Aims of this study were to calculate emission reductions (%) for policy target groups (like industry, traffic and refineries) to evaluate present agreements on emission reductions and to advise on…

A behavioral analysis of private car use by households

In this study various aspects of ownership and use of private cars by households are studied. The private car has been at the centre of discussions about environmental problems for many years.

Scanning WorldScan; final report on the presentation and evaluation of WorldScan, a model of the WORLD economy for Scenario ANalysis

This report provides an overview of the efforts put forth to present and evaluate WorldScan, a long-term model of the world economy, developed at the (Central Planning Bureau)CPB. One of the pivotal…

Calculation and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe: Status Report 1997

The fourth report on the Coordination Center for Effects (CCE) describes critical threshold methodologies and results which are used for the scientific support of the second nitrogen oxide protocol…

A global high-resolution emission inventory for ammonia

A global emissions inventory for ammonia (NH3) has been compiled for the main known sources on a 1°×1° grid, suitable for input to global atmospheric models.

Rapportage besluiten luchtkwaliteit 1996

Deze rapportage is gebaseerd op rapportages van provincies en gemeenten over overschrijding van de (uitzonderings) grenswaarden voor zwaveldioxide, fijn stof (zwarte rook), stikstofdioxide…

Eindrapport waterkwaliteitsonderzoek Reeuwijkse plassen 1983-1992

Dit rapport beschrijft een studie naar de effecten van eutrofieringsbestrijding in de Reeuwijkse plassen, Elfhoeven en Nieuwenbroek (1983-1992), en een studie naar de effecten van biomanipulatie (ter…