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Micronutrients for agricultural intensification – Is Sub-Saharan Africa at risk?

There are no substitutes for micronutrients which are indispensable for plant growth and the human diet; nevertheless low concentrations of these elements in African soils are looming and a cause for…

Scaling up sustainable energy innovations

Upscaling is critically important to enable a wide-scale integration of renewable energy sources. This paper mobilises literature on the strategic management of experimental niches to explore the…

New EU-scale environmental scenarios until 2050 – Scenario process and initial scenario applications

As part of the Openness project, new EU scenarios focusing on natural capital and ecosystem services were developed. These were applied at different regional socio-environmental conditions…

De omvang van de vastgoedbeleggingsmarkt in Nederland

Dit onderzoek brengt de omvang van de professioneel beheerde beleggingen in Nederlands commercieel vastgoed in kaart, voornamelijk vanuit het perspectief van de Nederlandse financiële sector. Hiervoor…

Zet de trek naar de (Rand-)stad door?

Waar wonen de Nederlanders in 2050? Waar gaan ze werken? Zet de trek naar de stad en de Randstad door? Belangrijke vragen voor beleidsmakers – bij zowel het Rijk, als provincies en gemeenten – om…

Cities, Economic Inequality and Justice

Increasing economic inequality in cities, and the spatial translation of that into more segregated neighbourhoods, is top of the political agenda in developed countries. While the overall living…

Blog Energiepodium - Honderd procent hernieuwbare energie is een misleidend doel

De organisatie Urgenda bood op 27 juli een mooie publicatie ‘Nederland 100% duurzame energie in 2030' aan Tweede Kamerleden aan. Op inspirerende wijze worden burgers en bedrijven aangesproken nu echt…

Evaluation of green deals for a circular economy

PBL has evaluated the role of Green Deals in preparing the path towards a circular economy. The evaluation shows that although Green Deals make a valuable contribution to the process of green…

Demographic change in the Netherlands: Strategies for resilient labour markets

In 2013 PBL contributed to a study on demographic changes, commissioned by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). PBL's contribution has now been published as a book…

Exploring future changes in land use and land condition and the impacts on food, water, climate change and biodiversity: Scenarios for the UNCCD Global Land Outlook

The pressure on land is growing in many regions of the world, due to the increasing demand for arable crops, meat and dairy products, bio-energy and timber, and is exacerbated by land degradation and…