Global modeling of the fate of nitrogen from point and nonpoint sources in soils, groundwater, and surface water
We present a global model that describes the fate of nitrogen (N) from point and nonpoint sources in the hydrological system up to the river mouths at the 0.5° by 0.5° spatial and annual temporal…
Outreach of IPCC findings in developing countries: lessons learned
After the completion of IPCC's Third Assessment Report, Working Group III on Mitigation embarked upon an outreach programme to disseminate the IPCC assessments in developing countries and countries…
The pseudo-countryside as compromose between spatial planning goals and consumers preferences for rural living
In the Netherlands the demand for housing in rural areas far outstrips supply, leading to tensions in the housing market. The creation of a pseudo-countryside, a residential environment with the…
This chapter describes the background and modeling approaches used in simple climate models (SCMs) (Harvey et al. 1997). In general, SCMs are the simplified models used by the Intergovernmental Panel…
Climate Options for the Long-term (COOL) - Nationale Dialoog
The National Dialogue in the COOL project aimed at developing insights and recommendations for Dutch long term climate policy, both on content and process. The dialogue was carried out in four…