Impact of climate change on water availability, agriculture and food security in semi-arid regions, with special focus on West Africa
The research effort started with a geographical inventory of all tropical and sub-tropical drylands to map the diversity in aridity, land degradation, population densities and urbanisation of the…
Sources, Regional Scaling and Validation of Methane Emissions from the Netherlands and Northwest Europe
The agreed emission reductions in the Kyoto Protocol require methods to establish the quality and accuracy of the inventory data and to monitor compliance with the Protocol. The IPCC Expert Meeting in…
Representation of the seasonal hydrological cycle in climate and weather prediction models in West Europe
This report is the final report of the project "Representation of the Seasonal Hydrological Cycle in climate and Weather Prediction models in west Europe (NRP project 951246)". The report describes…
Differentiation of future commitments in climate policy
This paper aims at exploring options for differentiation of future commitments in global greenhouse gas emissions control, linked to climate targets. This is done on the basis of the EU target of a…
Een herziene procedure voor het concentreren van organische microverontreinigingen in water
Een nieuwe procedure voor het concentreren van chemische verontreinigingen in monsters van oppervlaktewater wordt getest op 27 chemicaliën met uiteenlopende fysisch-chemische en biologische…
A revised procedure to concentrate organic micro-pollutants in water
A new procedure to concentrate chemical pollutants in surface water samples is tested against 27 chemicals of varying physico-chemical and biological properties. A comparison is made to former…
A model system approach to biological climate forcing: the example of Emiliana huxleyi
The following is an extended summary of the project "A model system approach to biological climate forcing: the example of Emiliania huxleyi," that was carried out within the framework of the Dutch…
Bouwstenen voor het NMP4; Aanvulling op de Nationale Milieuverkenning 5
De publicatie `Bouwstenen voor het NMP4' is een aanvulling op de in september vorig jaar door het RIVM uitgebrachte Nationale Milieuverkenning 5. In de Milieuverkenning zijn de hardnekkige…
Climate Change and Vector-Borne Diseases. A global and site-specific assessment
An increased incidence of vector-borne diseases is to be expected as a result of climate change. The projected changes in climate and climate variability will have a profound impact on the ecology of…
Globalisation, International Transport and the Global Environment (GITAGE)
The project 'Globalisation, International Transport and the Global Environment' (GITAGE) aims to map out the transport implications of current world-wide globalisation trends, with a particular view…