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Model projections for household energy use in India

Energy use in developing countries is heterogeneous across households. Present day global energy models are mostly too aggregate to account for this heterogeneity. Here, a bottom-up model for…

Future hotspots of terrestrial mammal loss

Current levels of endangerment and historical trends of species and habitats are the main criteria used to direct conservation efforts globally. Estimates of future declines, which might indicate…

Special issue of Climatic Change journal on the RCP released

A new Special issue of the journal Climatic Change describes four new key scenarios for the climate research community: the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs). The RCPs describe a wide range…

Exploring global irrigation patterns: A multilevel modelling approach

Globally, areas that are equipped for irrigation have almost doubled in size over the past 50 years and further expansions are expected for the future, to meet a growing food demand. For developing…

Long-term trend in global CO2 emissions; 2011 report

After a 1 % decline in 2009, global carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions increased by more than 5 % in 2010, which is unprecedented in the last two decades. The industrialised countries that ratified the…

An evaluation of the global potential of bioenergy production on degraded lands

In this article the global potential of energy crop production on degraded lands was estimated using detailed, spatially explicit data about the area, type and extent of degradation derived from the…

Global projections for anthropogenic reactive nitrogen emissions to the atmosphere: an assessment of scenarios in the scientific literature

Most long-term scenarios of global reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions to the atmosphere are produced by Integrated Assessment Models in the context of climate change assessments. These scenarios…

Exploring the bargaining space within international climate negotiations based on political, economic and environmental considerations

This study provides a conceptual framework for exploring the bargaining space within international climate negotiations based on important economic, political and environmental considerations.

Consequences of Uncertainty in Global-Scale Land Cover Maps for Mapping Ecosystem Functions: An Analysis of Pollination Efficiency

Mapping ecosystem services (ESs) is an important tool for providing the quantitative information necessary for the optimal use and protection of ecosystems and biodiversity. A common mapping approach…

A proposal for a new scenario framework to support research and assessment in different climate research communities

In this paper a scenario framework is proposed that could provide a scenario “thread” through the different climate research communities (climate change – vulnerability, impact, and adaptation - and…