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Digital twins of the Earth with and for humans

Digital twins of the Earth are digital representations of the Earth system, spanning scales and domains. Their purpose is to monitor, forecast and assess the Earth system and the consequences of human…

Aardgasvrij: een goed idee, maar ...

In het Klimaatakkoord is afgesproken dat woningen in 2050 duurzaam verwarmd worden. Woningen worden beter geïsoleerd en duurzaam verwarmd. Gemeenten hebben bij deze zogenoemde warmtetransitie een…

Assessing multiple ecosystem services in 708 European urban areas

Nature is increasingly recognised for its potential to address societal challenges in cities, through the delivery of ecosystem services (ES). However, large-scale assessments quantifying this…
Photo Urban gardening in Malmö, Sweden

Prospective life cycle assessment of climate and biodiversity impacts of meat-based and plant-forward meals: A case study of Indonesian and German meal options

The emerging field of prospective life cycle assessment (pLCA) offers opportunities for evaluating the environmental impacts of possible future consumption shifts. One such shift involves a transition…

Global inland-water nitrogen cycling has accelerated in the Anthropocene

Inland waters are an important component of the global nitrogen (N) cycle, functioning not only as land-to-sea transporters but also as active biogeochemical reactors. However, the latter role is not…

Modelling the impacts of climate change on agrochemical fate and transport by water on a catchment scale

The export of agrochemicals and their transformation products (TPs) following their application in the agricultural fields poses a threat to water quality. Future changes in climatic conditions (e.g…

A green hydrogen revolution in Africa remains elusive under current geopolitical realities

Africa's abundant renewable energy resources and vast land areas present an unprecedented opportunity for the development of a green hydrogen economy. Several countries in Africa have already…

How climate change is impacting the Brazilian agricultural sector: Evidence from a systematic literature review

Climate change is one of the biggest threats to global food security, with observed impacts already affecting agriculture. This study aims to systematise and analyse the observed biophysical impacts…

Exploration of pathways towards climate neutrality 2050

In order to become climate-neutral by 2050, substantial changes are needed in both electricity and heating and in the production as well as in the use of fuels and raw materials. In more concrete…

Comparing net-zero pathways across the Atlantic: A model inter-comparison exercise between the Energy Modelling Forum 37 and the European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum

Europe and North America account for 32% of current carbon emissions. Due to distinct legacy systems, energy infrastructure, socioeconomic development, and energy resource endowment, both regions have…