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Assessing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Climate Agreement

Climate plans submitted by countries in the run-up to the Paris Summit could, if fully implemented, deliver significant reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases. Without new climate policy, the…

Transport: A roadblock to climate change mitigation?

Global emissions scenarios studies, such as those informing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report (AR5), highlight the importance of the transport sector for…

Verslag lezing Marten Scheffer

Verslag van de lezing die Marten Scheffer op 14 oktober 2015 hield voor de PBL Academie. Titel van zijn lezing: 'Anticipating Critical Transitions'.

Klimaatmaatregelen buiten de UNFCCC

Internationale klimaatinitiatieven buiten de mondiale klimaatonderhandelingen kunnen broeikasgasemissies reduceren met 2.5 GtCO2 equivalenten in 2020 en 5.5 GtCO2 eq in 2030 in vergelijking met een…

Climate action outside the UNFCCC

International climate initiatives operating outside the global climate negotiations could deliver greenhouse gas emission reductions of 2.5 GtCO2-equivalents by 2020 and 5.5 GtCO2 eq by 2030, compared…

Adaptation to climate change in the Netherlands - Studying related risks and opportunities

The Netherlands, similar to many other countries, is vulnerable to climate change. With its new Delta Programme, the Dutch Government has made an important step forward towards national climate…

The Emissions Gap Report 2015

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are projected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by up to 6 gigatonnes of CO 2e, but 12 extra gigatonnes are needed to keep warming below 2…

Comparing future patterns of energy system change in 2 °C scenarios with historically observed rates of change

This paper systematically compares modeled rates of change provided by global integrated assessment models aiming for the 2 °C objective to historically observed rates of change. Such a comparison can…

Assessment of global land availability: land supply for agriculture

We developed a new assessment method of the land supply for agriculture, on a grid scale basis and per region, which takes into account both biophysical, institutional and socio-economic parameters of…

Toevoegen van ruimtelijke kwaliteit - Ruimtelijke kennis voor het Jaar van de Ruimte

In het Jaar van de Ruimte (2015) stonden de grote ruimtelijke opgaven voor Nederland centraal. Die waren aanleiding voor een aantal publicaties. Tussen maart 2013 en juli 2015 hebben de ruimtelijk…