Near-linear cost increase to reduce climate-change risk
The relationship between the costs of climate policy and the risks of climate change may look more favorable than commonly perceived say researchers from PBL, Wageningen University and the Potsdam…
Conditional probabilistic estimates of 21st century greenhouse gas emissions based on the storylines of the IPCC-SRES scenarios
The conditional probabilistic scenario analysis combines statistical methods of uncertainty analysis at parameter level with storylines which recognize the deep uncertainty that exists for several…
Assessment of bottom-up sectoral and regional mitigation potentials. Background report
In this study estimates are provided for greenhouse gas reduction potentials of different economic sectors in three world regions. The estimates are an update of the values reported in the Fouth…
Assessment van bottom-up sectorale en regionale emissie reductie potentiëlen
In deze studie worden schattingen gegeven van emissie reductie potentiëlen voor verschillende economische sectoren en drie wereld regio's. De schattingen zijn deels een aanvulling en deels een…
2006 Annual member States reporting on ambient air quality assessment - 'The Questionnaire'
Sixty percent of the EU27 population lives in zones were the daily PM 10 limit value is being exceeded. For nitrogen dioxide (annual limit value) and ozone (8-hour maximum health target value), the…
2006 Annual member States reporting on ambient air quality assessment - 'The Questionnaire'
Zestig procent van de EU27-bevolking leeft in zones waar de kortetermijngrenswaarde voor fijn stof is overschreden. Voor stikstofdioxide (grenswaarde voor het jaargemiddelde) en ozon (streefwaarde…
Onzekerheids- en gevoeligheidsanalyse van GeoPEARL
Als bij de berekening van de uitspoeling van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen naar het grondwater rekening zou worden gehouden met onzekerheden, dan zou een aanzienlijk hogere uitspoeling worden berekend…
In the environmental assessments by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), the GeoPEARL model is used to calculate the leaching of pesticides to the groundwater at the national scale…
Modelling local environmental quality and its impact on health. Background document for an international scientific audit of PBL team LOK
This report describes the methods used by the Quality of the Local Environment Team (LOK) for evaluation of government policy concerning the quality of the local environment and the consequences…