Verbetering van de luchtkwaliteit is vanwege recente uitspraken van de Raad van State vooral een praktisch probleem. Verkeersmaatregelen die de uitstoot van fijn stof beperken hebben weinig invloed op…
European exchange of air quality monitoring meta information in 2003
Current air quality legislation of the European Union, Council Decision (97/101/EC), requires the Commission to prepare yearly a technical report on the meta information and air quality data flows…
QA/QC checks on air quality data in AirBase and on the Eol2004 data: procedure and results
This report describes the quality control/quality assurance (QA/QC) process in the Exchange of Information concerning the national air quality measurement data reporting flow. It focusses on the…
This technical paper describes the development of AirBase from a storage tool for the delivery of mandatory information under the EoI towards a powerful analysing tool for making air quality…
Health effects of coarse particles in ambient air: messages for research and decision-making
Adverse health effects of ambient air pollution in general, and particulate matter (PM) in particular, have drawn considerable attention over recent years. Health effects range from increases in…
Exploring the possibilities for setting up sustainable energy systems for the long term: two visions for the Dutch energy system in 2050
In this paper, two long-term visions of the Dutch future energy system are composed, analysed and evaluated. Both visions were set up to meet the requirement to reduce the GHG emissions with 80% in…
Het milieu rond Schiphol, 1990-2010; Feiten en cijfers
De beleidsdoelstellingen ter vermindering van de effecten van het vliegverkeer van Schiphol worden zeer waarschijnlijk gehaald. Deze gelden voor de meest belaste woongebieden direct rondom de…
Externe Voortgangsrapportage - Werkprogramma 2005 Januari - April 2005
In de eerste maanden van 2005 heeft het Milieu- en Natuurplanbureau conform planning diverse nationale en internationale rapportages naar buiten gebracht. Deze externe voortgangsrapportage is een…
Scenarios of freshwater fish extinctions from climate change and water withdrawal
Reductions in river discharge (water availability) like those from climate change or increased water withdrawal, reduce freshwater biodiversity. We combined two scenarios from the Intergovernmental…
The choice of a temperature target in the context of Article 2 of the UN Climate Convention requires scientific information on the consequences and risks of a variety of options to achieve this target…