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Energy system developments and investments in the decisive decade for the Paris Agreement goals

The Paris Agreement does not only stipulate to limit the global average temperature increase to well below 2 °C, it also calls for 'making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low…

SDE++-advies voor waterstofproductie via elektrolyse zonder deellast

Deze notitie toont de berekeningen voor waterstofproductie via elektrolyse voor de SDE++ 2021 indien er sprake is van een volledig flexibele installatie voor waterstofproductie via elektrolyse. Het…

Evaluation of EIB Cohesion financing (2007 to 2018)

The EU treaties entrust the European Investment Bank (EIB) with supporting the reduction of regional disparities in the Union, notably by financing projects in less-developed EU regions. The…

Climate change measures and sustainable development goals

Many measures to mitigate climate change (SDG 13) have an impact on achieving other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), often positive, but sometimes negative. This study shows how twenty promising…

Identifying regional drivers of future land-based biodiversity footprints

Biodiversity footprints quantify the impacts on ecosystems caused by final consumption in a region, accounting for imports and exports. Up to now, footprint analyses have typically been applied to…

Costs of avoiding net negative emissions under a carbon budget

The 2 °C and 1.5 °C temperature targets of the Paris Agreement can be interpreted as targets never to be exceeded, or as end-of-century targets. Recent literature proposes to move away from the latter…

Zicht op het effect van de Regio Deal op de brede welvaart

In deze notitie beschrijft het PBL hoe de monitoringsaanpak van beleid dat de brede welvaart in de regio wil bevorderen, zoals de Regio Deals, zo kan worden opgezet dat er inzicht ontstaat in het…

Persistent inequality in economically optimal climate policies

Benefit-cost analyses of climate policies by integrated assessment models have generated conflicting assessments. Two critical issues affecting social welfare are regional heterogeneity and inequality…

Understanding land-use change conflict

The growing demand for food, water, and shelter change the way people use land and these changes have affected or even caused conflicts in several locations. However, conflicts do not erupt in…

Navigeren naar een klimaatbestendig Nederland

Het PBL publiceert een scopingstudie met een onderzoeksprogramma om de uitvoering van het beleid voor de aanpassing aan klimaatverandering op kortere en langere termijn te monitoren. Het PBL schetst…