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Voedsel in Nederland: Verduurzaming bewerkstellingen in een veelvormig systeem

Het voedselsysteem dat schuilgaat achter de Nederlandse voedselconsumptie heeft grote effecten op de leefomgeving. In deze notitie bespreken we hoe voedselbeleid, dat consument en ketens als…

Perspectieven op duurzaam voedsel: pluriformiteit in debat en beleid

In deze beleidsstudie onderscheiden we 5 perspectieven op duurzaam voedsel die in het Nederlandse maatschappelijke debat over voedsel en duurzaamheid terugkomen. Elk perspectief vertelt een wezenlijk…

Climate extremes, land–climate feedbacks and land-use forcing at 1.5°C

This article investigates projected changes in temperature and water cycle extremes at 1.5°C of global warming, and highlights the role of land processes and land-use changes (LUCs) for these…

Regionale ontwikkelingen in het aantal potentiele helpers van ouderen tussen 1975-2040

In deze publicatie wordt beschreven hoe het potentieel van informele zorg (zoals mantelzorg) zich in de toekomst gaat ontwikkelen. Dit wordt in beeld gebracht door de maatstaf Oldest Old Support Ratio…

Comparing recent suburban developments in Austria and the Netherlands

The chapter 'Comparing recent suburban developments in Austria and the Netherlands' in the book 'The Suburban Land Question: A Global Survey' describes the results of a comparative study of recent…

Evaluating the use of biomass energy with carbon capture and storage in low emission scenarios

Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) is heavily relied upon in scenarios of future emissions that are consistent with limiting global mean temperature increase to 1.5 °C or 2 °C…

Future agricultural phosphorus demand according to the shared socioeconomic pathways

The five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) show similar global crop P uptake and P inputs, despite differences in population and incomes. In the sustainability scenario SSP1, the increase in P…

Assessing future reactive nitrogen inputs into global croplands based on the shared socioeconomic pathways

Only under the most optimistic sustainability scenario, the global synthetic fertilizer use in croplands stabilizes or even shrinks in the coming decades. In the most pessimistic fragmentation…

Uncertain Environmental Footprint of Current and Future Battery Electric Vehicles

The future environmental impacts of battery electric vehicles (EVs) are very important given their expected dominance in future transport systems. Previous studies have shown these impacts to be…

Simple Planning Rules for Complex Urban Problems: Toward Legal Certainty for Spatial Flexibility

In the course of the nineteenth century, many countries attempted to simplify their regulatory systems; since then, however, the entire legal apparatus has become ever more complex, being based on the…