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Indirect land use change emissions related to EU biofuel consumption

Biofuels have recently been promoted in policies as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector. However, biofuel production in itself also induces emissions directly as well as…

The Copenhagen Accord: abatement costs and carbon prices resulting from the submissions

As part of the Copenhagen Accord, individual countries have submitted greenhouse gas reduction proposals for the year 2020. This paper analyses the implications for emission reductions, the carbon…

Institutions in theories of land markets: illustrated by the Dutch market for agricultural land

Dit artikel doet verslag van een verkenning van de sterke en zwakke punten van verschillende theorieën ten aanzien van de werking van de grondmarkt, en van de mogelijkheden om de sterke punten te…

Institutions in theories of land markets: illustrated by the Dutch market for agricultural land

Theories of land markets should be intellectually sound and should be able to explain and predict market outcomes, such as price and volume of transactions, changes in these and locations of different…

Territorial Impact Assessment: a critical examination of current practice

The cohesion – or lack thereof – between European policies has long been the topic of debate and has resulted in various initiatives for improvement, a very recent example being the Better Regulation…

Other roles for governments needed in sustainable supply chain management?

Sustainably produced goods are growing in popularity. The share of sustainable coffee and wood on the Dutch market is approaching 50 p. Producers in developing regions have to meet the requirements…

Andere rol overheid nodig bij verduurzaming productketens?

Duurzaam geproduceerde goederen worden steeds populairder. Het aandeel van duurzame koffie en hout op de Nederlandse markt nadert de 50%. Met certificeringsystemen die de claim “duurzaam” waarborgen…

Holocene carbon emissions as a result of anthropogenic land cover change

Humans have altered the Earth’s land surface since the Paleolithic mainly by clearing woody vegetation first to improve hunting and gathering opportunities, and later to provide agricultural cropland…

Met de kennis van nu; leren van evalueren. Een casestudy: A5 Verlengde Westrandweg

Infrastructurele projecten kosten al gauw vele miljoenen euro's. Om de juiste beslissingen te nemen wordt er daarom vaak vooraf gedegen onderzoek verricht. Achteraf wordt er echter weinig geëvalueerd.

Natuurkwaliteit en biodiversiteit van de Nederlandse zoute wateren

Van de biodiversiteit in de Nederlandse zoute wateren is momenteel nog ongeveer 40% aanwezig van de biodiversiteit die zou bestaan in een oorspronkelijke, meer natuurlijke situatie. Deze conclusie…