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Kan de circulaire economie een bijdrage leveren aan de energietransitie?

Deze notitie brengt in beeld in hoeverre de ambitie van de circulaire economie in Nederland een overlap heeft met de energietransitie, die nodig is om de doelen van het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs te…

Developments in monitoring climate change adaptation in urban areas. Quick scan of experiences outside the Netherlands.

In support of the Dutch Delta Programme on Spatial Adaptation, PBL has conducted a quick scan of developments outside the Netherlands in methods to monitor the impact (output and outcome) of policies…

Monitoring klimaatadaptatie in het stedelijke gebied. Quick scan van ervaringen elders in de wereld

Ter ondersteuning van het Deltaprogramma Ruimtelijke Adaptatie heeft het PBL verkend of in het buitenland systemen zijn ontwikkeld, die de voortgang en effect (output en outcome) monitoren van…

A methodology and implementation of automated emissions harmonization for use in Integrated Assessment Models

Emissions harmonization refers to the process used to match greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant results from Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) against a common source of historical emissions. To…

The geography of future water challenges

This publication shows that, without improved water management or adaptation to climate change, the global sustainability goals cannot be achieved. The report highlights the urgent need for an…

Comparing future patterns of energy system change in 2 °C scenarios to expert projections

Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are computer-based instruments used to assess the implications of human activity on the human and earth system. They are simultaneously also used to explore…

The geography of future water challenges - Background reports

These background documents provide the scientific justification of the information produced for PBL report ‘The Geography of Future Water Challenges’.

Kennisontwikkeling voor een duurzame samenleving

In november 2017 heeft de tweede visitatie van het PBL plaatsgevonden, waarbij zowel de wetenschappelijke kwaliteit als de beleidsmatige relevantie van het werk van het PBL en de toekomstbestendigheid…

Alternative pathways to the 1.5 °C target reduce the need for negative emission technologies

Mitigation scenarios that achieve the ambitious targets included in the Paris Agreement typically rely on greenhouse gas emission reductions combined with net carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the…

Vehicle emissions and impacts of taxes and incentives in the evolution of past emissions

The analysis presented in this report was framed around two key objectives. The first was to create an inventory of the different vehicle taxation and incentive schemes in place across Europe. The…