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Over de gezondheidsrisico's van fijn stof in Nederland

Fijn stof in de lucht kan leiden tot gezondheidsklachten en zelfs vroegtijdige sterfte. Dat blijkt uit een honderdtal epidemiologische studies. Hoe die effecten precies ontstaan is nog niet duidelijk…

On health risks of ambient PM in the Netherlands. Executive summary.

Particulate Matter (PM) in the ambient air can lead to health effects and even to premature mortality. This result has been found in a score of epidemiological studies, but its cause is not yet clear…

CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 1971/2000 - 2002 Edition

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a fundamental change in the way governments approach energy-related environmental issues. In recognition of this change and in preparation for the Eighth…

Climate OptiOns for the Long term (COOL) - Global Dialogue Synthesis Report

A synthesises is given of the outcomes of an international dialogue between scientists, policy makers and stakeholders on long-term options for international climate policy making and their near-term…

Modulation of Sociotechnical Change as Climate Change Challange

This report summarizes the findings of the MATRIC-project. Matric stands for 'Management of Technology Responses to the Climate Change Challenge'.

Not to Sink: Bringing the Tropical Fores into the Climate and Other Global Conventions, without Needing the 'Sink' concept

This report aims to determine the function of tropical forestry in the climate and other global conventions. Because the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol is the major instrument…

Landelijk Meetnet Regenwatersamenstelling - Meetresultaten 2000

Dit rapport presenteert de resultaten van de in 2000 uitgevoerde metingen van de chemische samenstelling van neerslag in Nederland. De metingen zijn uitgevoerd op vierwekelijkse monsters verkregen uit…

Economische waardering van milieugerelateerde gezondheidseffecten. Een verkenning

Dit rapport richt zich op de toepasbaarheid van methoden voor het economisch waarderen van milieugerelateerde gezondheidseffecten. Daartoe zijn verschillende studies naar economische waardering van…

The effect of aerosol on closure of the regionale short-wave radiation balance

IPPC reports the aerosol radiative forcing per major aerosol category, like sulphate and fossil fuel derived carbon. Part of this carbon is reflective and part of the material (black carbon "soot")…

Integrated water management strategies for the Rhine and Meuse basins in a changing environment

Water management of the Rhine and Meuse is surrounded by major uncertainties. The central question is then: given the uncertainties, what is the best water management strategy? This raises the need…